Home Birth
Is Home Birth Safe?
Yes, home birth is safe! Studies show that for women with healthy, uncomplicated pregnancies, planned home birth with a skilled birth attendant is safe. The research shows that home birth is as safe as–or safer than–hospital birth. However, risks are involved in childbirth no matter where it occurs. I expect parents to take responsibility for their birth. Therefore, I expect them to be well informed and take initiative in educating themselves. Although I believe that every woman has the right to choose where she gives birth, my practice is limited to low risk pregnancies and births.
“Whenever and however you intend to give birth, your experience will impact your emotions, your mind, your body, and your spirit for the rest of your life.”
Ina May Gaskin

Family Involvement
The whole family and your chosen support people are welcome to be involved in your care! I encourage you to bring your family to appointments with you. At prenatal visits, I allow time for you to explore your feelings about labor, birth, and postpartum. There is also time to help family members prepare for the birth process and the changes that come with a new baby. Our prenatal appointments build good communication, trusting relationships, and a strong birth team. During your birth, I will respect your birth plan and how you want your family to be involved in the process.